fromAtoB: Travel Bargain Hunter - Bus, Train & Ridesharing
Want to travel from A to B while saving the most money? With fromAtoB, you'll find the cheapest offers faster and easier than with any other app!
BEST PRICES WITH JUST A FEW CLICKS: Our app quickly searches all major providers for ridesharing, long-distance buses, and train connections in Germany. Simply enter your start, destination, and date - and instantly see where you'll save the most!
What makes fromAtoB the ultimate travel-saving assistant:
* SMART PRICE SEARCH: Our intelligent algorithm finds hidden deals that other apps miss
* PRICE ALERTS FOR FUTURE TRAVEL: Get automatically notified when offers drop below your desired price
* QUICK COMPARISON: All top providers at a glance - clear and straightforward
* INTUITIVE INTERFACE: Find the cheapest ticket in seconds - without complicated menus
* COMPLETE INFO: Instantly learn everything about WiFi, power outlets, and food options for each choice
Effortlessly customize your search: Filter by transportation type, travel times, or transfers - and find exactly the offer that perfectly suits you!
Join thousands of satisfied users who save money on every trip with fromAtoB. Install the app now and discover how easy smart traveling can be!